Welcome to the world of map discovery! 

My goal for this project is to show how, with advancement in discovery and navigational tools, maps have become more intricate and complex.

This will be an exhibit project that places these maps on a timeline according to creation date in order to see how the maps change over time. I originally got this idea from the "Robots Reading Vogue" project when the creator of that project did the same type of timeline setup for the cover pages of the magazine.

How did these maps change? In what ways did they change? Was there a
particular time period or decade that saw the most noticeable change? These are the type of research questions that can be answered by a timeline-networking project.

This project has three main parts: 

The first part is the interactive timeline. Click on this tab to see the timeline. Click on the map's author's name to be directed to the LOC website for more metadata. 

The second part is the collection. One is able to click on the "Collection" tab to see where all of the objects are located. 

The third part are the items themselves. Click on this tab to see a list of all the items from the interactive timeline. Use the search bar to find specific maps.